Diocesan Logo and Motto


The Logo of the Madhya Kerala Diocese of the CSI has an Anglican tradition. The cross of St Andrews has been placed in front of a 'heart'. St. Andrews refused to be crucified in the similar type of cross on which Jesus was crucified, saying that he was not eligible to bear a cross of Jesus, who was blemishless. St. Andrews, in the initial stage of his discipleship, brought his brother Simon to Jesus. Hence, the cross of St. Andrews in the logo stands for the commitment of the church to evangelisation, especially personal evangelisation.

A spear is shown as going through the middle of the cross and the heart. This can be considered as the spear that pierced the heart of Jesus on the cross.

On the top of the spear, a crown with twelve jewels has been placed. There is no crown without the cross. The twelve jewels remind the twelve Apostles.

On the upper side of the logo, a mitre- a liturgical headdress worn by Anglican and Lutheran bishops- is shown. The open upper side of the mitre is the indication of the tongues of fire of the Holy Spirit coming down on the bishops' heads and anointing them.