Vellore Mission
Vellore Mission
Vellore Mission Bethzatha Spirituality & Guidance Centre is an institution started by CSI Madhya Kerla Diocese in the year 2000 to provide accommodation for the patients and their relatives who come for treatment at Vellore Christian Medical College. Making appointments for the patients in advance, helping to meet the doctor and providing other assistance in the hospital are some of the major help provided by the mission centre. Moreover, visiting the hospital and providing medical assistance to the sick are being done as part of the mission. A prayer service is held in the centre's chapel every evening. A canteen has been started for the convenience of the patients and bystanders. A fellowship of the Diocesan-sponsored students studying at CMC is also taking place at regular intervals. As the multi-speciality department of the Christian Medical College was shifted to Kanigapuram and started functioning, Bethzatha Spirituality & Guidance Centre's ministry was needed there too. Hence 25 cents of land in Kanigapuram was purchased for the guidance centre. The necessary financial support for the implementation of this project was generously received from the members of the diocese who were inspired by the call to extend support to this project by Bishop Dr Malayil Sabu Koshy Cherian and the diocesan officers. Preparations to build a new spacious centre for the benefit of the patients in Kanigapuram are already underway. It is the earnest wish and prayer of the diocese that the building getting finished at the earliest possible, which will turn into a place of solace for many patients who seek treatment at CMC, Vellore.