organizations Associated
Women's Fellowship

Diocesan Women's Fellowship at a Glance
GAMOS: Marriage help Financial help is given to poor girls for their marriage. Donations and profits generated from various projects are used for this. 12 deserving candidates received one lakh rupees and one pavan gold chain and wedding dress worth 10000 rupees through this programme in the year 2021. This new project was inaugurated in 2021.
Thabitha Tailoring Centre
The ministry of Thabitha, in short is ‘adding beauty to the Holiness’. They make Surplices, Stoles, Choir Robes, other church vestments and ornamental church linen. Tabitha also undertakes embroidery and painting of sarees. An additional unit of this centre was opened recently at the Women’s Fellowship Headquarters at St. Monica’s, Kanakkary.
Jewel Box A restaurant run by the women’s fellowship, Jewel Box caters daily over to one hundred and sixty people. Homely food is prepared and served at reasonable rates..
Agape Communion wafers of excellent quality are prepared here in its two centres, under the meticulous care of trained ladies. In fact, realizing the sacredness of their effort, they prepare the wafers very prayerfully and carefully, pack them and distribute them to the Diocesan Book Depots. The products are of much demand in churches within and outside the Diocese.
Elma Bakers In a world where we are at the risk of preservatives being used in almost all food items, the Women’s Fellowship started a project in 2011 to make homemade items without adding any preservatives. This started as part of St. Monicas day celebration. It was inaugurated in 2012 as a Home Bakery and now it is known as Elma Later, for this, in the year 2015, a baking unit as such was started at Pisgah. This project is named as Elma Bakers (combining the name of two women missionaries; Ella Bailey & Mary Thorp Gill). Today, as part of this project, bakery items, especially homemade items, are produced and sold by our women. Since 2017, a separate outlet too is started for the sale of these Bakery items known as Mary Gill home products.
This is a home in the Baker Compound for retired single women. At present, there are eight inmates. Pisgah is a place offering comfortable stay in a Christian ambience. They live together, pray together and enjoy their fellowship together. Everyday morning and evening there are prayers. There is a warden and supporting staff to take care of the needs of the inamtes.
Babyland Creche and Day Care Centre renders excellent and sincere service to the society by taking care of the babies of working women. More than twenty children between the age of one to three years are taken care of During the Christmas, they perform special progammes impressing their parents as well as the public Nazareth home - 2015 This is a ‘home for aged women’ in Partnership with Bethel Ashram of the order of sisters. The amount received through christmas ulsav 2014 is used for the construction & development of this home, situated in Bethel Ashram, Thiruvalla
Pakal Veedu Pakal Veedu is a ministry among the Senior Citizens, being carried out by the Women’s Fellowship in corporation with the “Smile India”. Elderly people meet together in Baker Chapel on every Tuesday.They have fun,Entertainmens,Physical exercises and Bible study sessions. This Ministry greately contributes towards the enrichment of the life elderly people of the society.
Ashabhavan Respite Care Centre Ashabhavan functions at Kanakkary (near Ettumannoor), and is a place for the mentally and physically challenged women. It is a non- profit organisation functioning since 1998. In June 2011, the respite care centre, with well-equipped facilities, started functioning in the newly constructed ASHABHAVAN building. The Ashabhavan staff are dedicated to meet the special needs of the students by training them to be independent as far as possible. They are encouraged to learn skills like making ornaments, candles, soap, surf, lotion etc. They are also encouraged to help in the tailoring unit and wafer centre that function in Ashabhavan. Ashabhavan aims to be an income generating project which will help it to to be self supported.
Ira Dalton Ladies Hostel
What was earlier there in the same name of St. Monica’s Ladies Hostel had ceased and in 2013 this hostel was re-opened to accommodate girls studying law at the Law College, Kanakkari. The available space in the St. Monica’s Centre and Asha Bhavan is used for this service.
Elayos Elayos is a medical aid for the chemotherapy of cancer patients and dialysis treatment of kidney disease patients of the diocesan WF. The fund for this programme is raised through the profit gained from the embroidered clothes sold from Tabitha and with the help of Synod SEVA and Dubai WF.
Designation : Secretary
Mrs Grace Nisha Ninan
CSI St Michael's Church, Kollad P. O., Kottayam, 686029