Boards Associated
Finance Board

Finance Board
Duties of the Board
(a) Quarterly accounts presented to the Finance Board should be scrutinized by the Sub-Committee.
(b) Examine the accounts prepared by the Treasurer in respect of the General Funds and present them to the Executive Committee for approval with such amendments as may be suggested by the Board.
(c) The Executive Committee shall be informed of the levies imposed on Parishes and District Councils to the Diocesan fund.
(d) Allowing grants from surplus funds to meet urgent needs.
(e) to make and regulate rules for the proper keeping of accounts across the Diocese, and to prescribe books and forms necessary therefor.
(f) To constitute a 3-member Audit Committee for a periodical audit of the accounts of Diocesan Institutions and Parishes. Make arrangements to improve them.
(g) Perform such other financial duties as may be authorized by the Executive Committee.
(h) To fix the salaries, allowances and travel scales of the office staff of the Diocese, priests and church workers and the employees of other institutions connected with the Diocese.
(i) Implement the Diocesan Provident Fund for priests and church workers.
(j) The appointment and removal of treasurers of pastorates/outstations shall be vested in the Board.
(k) To decide on the amount to be allowed to be held by the treasurers of parishes/congregations.
(l) Checks shall be signed by at least one of the Secretaries (Clergy Secretary/Lay Secretary) along with the Treasurer on all bank accounts and cash transactions of the Diocese.
Designation : Clergy SecretaryCSI Madhya Kerala Diocesan Office, Cathedral Road, Kottayam, Kerala, Pin- -686 001
Education Board

Education Board
Duties of the Board
(a) Advise on policy and public issues relating to education in the entire diocese.
(b) Manage the financial affairs of the schools generally and make arrangements for the preparation of an annual statement of affairs in the office of the Corporate Manager.
(c) Receive reports of appointments and suspensions and dismissals of teachers engaged in non-teaching work in schools.
(d) constitute an Emergency Advisory Committee to advise the Corporate Manager on urgent matters.
(e) appoint a commission to inquire into the general condition of an institution and advise the Corporate Manager on its administrative affairs, but no particular action should be ordered.
Designation : Lay SecretaryCSI Madhya Kerala Diocesan Office, Cathedral Road, Kottayam, Kerala, Pin- -686 001
Higher Education Board

Higher Education Board
Duties of the Board
(a) Provide necessary policy formulation and advice on public issues in all matters relating to higher education in the Diocese.
(b) Constitute an advisory committee to advise the manager on urgent matters.
(c) To advise and assist the Executive Committee in starting new courses, new colleges and other institutions of higher education etc.
(d) To manage the financial affairs of the institutions of higher education and to give directions for construction activities.
Designation : Clergy SecretaryCSI Madhya Kerala Diocesan Office, Cathedral Road, Kottayam, Kerala, Pin- -686 001
Technical Education Board

Technical Education Board
Duties of the Board
(a) Advise on policy and public issues relating to technical education.
(b) exercise general supervision and control over the technical schools connected with the Diocese.
(c) To strengthen social and industrial activities in the Diocese.
(d) Recommend the establishment of new technical educational institutions.
(e) Examine the annual accounts of the institutions under the jurisdiction of the Board.
(f) Appoint a sub-committee on the recruitment and admission of Students.
Designation : Clergy SecretaryCSI Madhya Kerala Diocesan Office, Cathedral Road, Kottayam, Kerala, Pin- -686 001
Pastoral Board

Pastoral Board
Duties of the Board
(a) To make arrangements, with the approval of the Bishop, for the appointment, removal, retirement, etc., of all clergy, except principals, lecturers, headmasters, and teachers in colleges, high schools, and training schools.
(b) To make rules for election and conferment of titles to clerical posts; (with the assistance of a board appointed for that purpose, if necessary) examine and approve those who have been recommended for election to clerical positions. Recommend to the Executive Committee the approval of nominees and make necessary arrangements for their training. Finally, if they are satisfied that they are qualified, they are recommended to the Bishop through the Executive Committee for their acceptance as priestly candidates.
(c) Supervise and control the activities of the Bible School in general. Advise the Bishop on matters such as the appointment, placement, retirement, etc. of its principal and clergy teachers.
(d) Prepare and submit before the end of each fiscal year to the Board of Finance a budget of the amount required to carry on the work of the Bible School for the ensuing year, and, unless otherwise provided for, to meet the said requirement for expenses for the training of clerical students, and to submit, with recommendations, applications for funds for interim grants.
(e) To decide all matters relating to the appointment, confirmation, placement, retirement, etc., of church workers.
(f) To make arrangements for the election and periodical examinations of church workers.
(g) Assist the Bishop in arranging missionary meetings, special conferences and retreats of clergy and laity.
(h) To take decisions with the approval of the Bishop regarding the appointment, service, transfer, retirement etc. of all clergy except teachers in various institutions and educational institutions.
(i) Supervise and control the activities of Angatha Keeshavlen in general. Recommend to the bishop the appointment, placement, retirement, etc. of its principal and clergy teachers.
Designation : Clergy SecretaryCSI Madhya Kerala Diocesan Office, Cathedral Road, Kottayam, Kerala, Pin- -686 001
Mission Board

Mission Board
Duties of the Board
(a) Consider all matters relating to the evangelistic work of the Diocese.
(b) Administer all special departments of the Diocesan's evangelistic work either directly or through a special committee appointed for the said purpose.
(c) Assist Parish Committees and District Councils in organizing special evangelistic efforts.
(d) To do all things capable of fostering a missionary spirit in the Church and to act in accordance with the conditions mentioned in Chapter I Rule 3 Clause 2.
(e) Carry out missionary propaganda through deputation, magazines, literature etc.
(f) Apply annually to the Finance Board for necessary grants for operations.
Designation : Clergy SecretaryCSI Madhya Kerala Diocesan Office, Cathedral Road, Kottayam, Kerala, Pin- -686 001
Women’s Board

Women’s Board
Duties of the Board
(a) Organize women's work throughout the Mahayidavaka without leaving any part of the Diocese untouched and without overspreading any part.
(b) To organize Bible schools for Christian women.
(c) To regulate and direct the activities of the Board under its direct control at large. Advise on better ways to strengthen women's empowerment and receive reports on activities.
(d) Encourage women and girls for evangelism among women.
(e) prepare and submit to the Board of Finance the annual budget for the amount required for the above-mentioned matters.
Designation : Clergy SecretaryCSI Madhya Kerala Diocesan Office, Cathedral Road, Kottayam, Kerala, Pin- -686 001
Christian Education Board

Christian Education Board
Duties of the Board
(a) To carry on the Sunday school work in Diocese in an orderly manner by arranging conferences of Sunday school workers and publishing textbooks.
(b) Help to promote evangelism among the children of the parish.
(c) Recommend to the Bishop three persons to represent the diocese on the Committee of the Children's Ministry.
(d) Prepare and submit to the Board of Finance an annual budget of the amount necessary for the functioning of the Board.
Designation : Clergy SecretaryCSI Madhya Kerala Diocesan Office, Cathedral Road, Kottayam, Kerala, Pin- -686 001
Children’s Welfare Board

Responsibilities of Children’s Welfare Board
Duties of the Board
(a) Regarding running of establishments like hostels, daycare centres etc.
(b) All matters relating to the welfare of children.
Designation : Clergy SecretaryCSI Madhya Kerala Diocesan Office, Cathedral Road, Kottayam, Kerala, Pin- -686 001
Social Board

Social Board
Duties of the Board
(a) To promote and develop the cooperative movement in villages throughout the Diocese.
(b) exercise general supervision and control over the technical schools connected with the Diocese.
(c) To strengthen and encourage industrial and social activities in the Diocese.
(d) prepare and submit to the Board of Finance an annual budget of the amount necessary for the working expenses of the Board.
(e) Appoint managers of technical schools and vocational schools in the Diocese.
Designation : Clergy SecretaryCSI Madhya Kerala Diocesan Office, Cathedral Road, Kottayam, Kerala, Pin- -686 001
Laity Board

Laity Board
Duties of the Board
(a) To give directions and carry out such matters as are not within the scope of the duties of the Mission Board, Women's Board, Children's Welfare Board, Social Board and Youth Board, as described in the Synod Constitution, Chapter VI, Rule II.
(b) Assist in coordinating the activities of the above Boards and co-operate with the Local Committee, Pastorate Committee and District Committee concerning evangelism, sermons in church services, care of children and youth and social work.
(c) requiring the Finance Board to make an annual budget towards the expenses of the Board, including the salaries and allowances of the temporary and permanent employees under the Board.
(d) To maintain fellowship with members of the Diocese and to promote and participate in ecumenical meetings and initiatives.
Designation : Clergy SecretaryCSI Madhya Kerala Diocesan Office, Cathedral Road, Kottayam, Kerala, Pin- -686 001
Property Committee

Property Committee
Duties of the Committee
(a) To give necessary advice to the Directors of the Central Travancore Trust Association and the attornies of the Church of South India Trust Association regarding the administration, control and disputes of the properties vested in the above-described Associations.
b) To decide on the lease, mortgage, transfer and endowment of property vested in both the above associations subject to the approval of the Executive Committee and in the case of property belonging to the Church of South India Trust Association, the approval of that association.
(c) The Committee has the authority to appoint a Building Sub-Committee to examine the contents and plans of buildings costing more than 50,000 rupees proposed to be constructed anywhere in the Diocese and to grant permission to construct such buildings.
Designation : Clergy SecretaryCSI Madhya Kerala Diocesan Office, Cathedral Road, Kottayam, Kerala, Pin- -686 001
Literature Board

Literature Board
Duties of Board
(a) To make arrangements for the writing and preparation, publication, sale, etc., of Christian literature.
(b) Keep the clergy and others informed as to where useful books are published and at what prices they can be obtained.
(c) Make rules for the preparation and publication of Malayalam translations of useful books.
Designation : Clergy SecretaryCSI Madhya Kerala Diocesan Office, Cathedral Road, Kottayam, Kerala, Pin- -686 001
Medical Board

Medical Board
Duties of the Board
(a) To exhort the church on its duties to the sick.
(b) Exercise general control over the various healing activities of the Diocese.
(c) Strengthen, develop and regulate such works.
(d) To increase the knowledge of the people, especially the rural people, about the general laws of health and the remedies against common diseases, through sermons, literature and other suitable means.
(e) Prepare and submit to the Board of Finance an annual budget necessary for the functioning of the Board.
Designation : Clergy SecretaryCSI Madhya Kerala Diocesan Office, Cathedral Road, Kottayam, Kerala, Pin- -686 001
Youth Board

Youth Board
Duties of the Board
(a) To promote and organize Youth Movement in Diocese through Diocesan Youth Conferences and camps for youth.
(b) Help to ensure the cooperation of the youth with the presbyters and lay leaders of the church in all areas of activity of the Church.
(c) Prepare and submit to the Board of Finance an annual budget of the amount necessary for the functioning of the Board.
Designation : Clergy SecretaryCSI Madhya Kerala Diocesan Office, Cathedral Road, Kottayam, Kerala, Pin- -686 001
Legal Cell

Legal Cell at a Glance
Duties of the Cell
(a) The Committee shall have the power to deal with all legal matters in the Madhya Kerala Diocese.
Designation : Clergy SecretaryCSI Madhya Kerala Diocesan Office, Cathedral Road, Kottayam, Kerala, Pin- -686 001
Dalit & Adivasi Concerns Committee

Dalit & Adivasi Concerns Committee
Duties of the Committee
(a) Work towards the holistic development of Dalit and Tribal Christians.
(b) To work hand in hand with other churches to obtain due rights and entitlements from Central and State Governments.
Designation : Clergy SecretaryCSI Madhya Kerala Diocesan Office, Cathedral Road, Kottayam, Kerala, Pin- -686 001
Industrial School Governing Board

Industrial School Governing Board
Designation : Clergy SecretaryCSI Madhya Kerala Diocesan Office, Cathedral Road, Kottayam, Kerala, Pin- -686 001
Marriage Questions Committee

Marriage Questions Committee
Designation : ConvenerCSI Madhya Kerala Diocesan Office, Cathedral Road, Kottayam, Kerala, Pin- -686 001
Pastorates Associated
- Kumaranalloor

CSI St. Thomas Church, Kumaranalloor
- Year of the Formation : 1958
- Name of the Founder : Very Rev. M. J. Chandy
- Year of Pastorate Formation : 2009
- Total Members of the Congregation : 321
- Total Families in the Congregation : 99
- Total Land : 25 Cent
CSI St. Thomas Church, S. H. Mount P. O., Kottayam - 686 006.
Location : click here

Rev. Aniyan K. Paul
CSI St. Thomas Church, S. H. Mount P. O., Kottayam - 686 006.