Departments Associated
- Department of Ecological Concerns

Department of Ecological Concerns
Madhya Kerala Diocese is the first of its kind under the initiation of a church to have come into existence in India and the only church which has mentioned ecology as a mission in its Constitution and incorporated the theme in its plan of action. All the Dioceses under the synod function as subsidiary units to implement the projects and programmes devised by the Synod with necessary modification as required since the situations differ from one another. This allows a certain amount of freedom for the dioceses to conceive plans best suited for them. Every year eco activities in the diocese begin on the second Sunday of June, set apart to correspond with the world environment day. Special liturgy is followed for worship on the day with exhortation by eminent environmentalists and activists deputed to individual churches of the diocese to reaffirm dedication and commitment of the congregation for the cause of environment. The diocese also oversees the functioning of the eco units in each of its institutions with the participation of learners implementing GSP, transforming them as green Ambassadors to spread the ideas beyond the campus. As far as possible takes special care to join hands with various Government departments. Saplings and seeds are distributed in schools, churches and in public whenever available. Organic manure and waste is wealth programme, rain water harvesting, kitchen garden, vocal for cycle, bioremediation, no to plastics are some of its programmes and campaigns of the diocese that became popular. The diocese also campaigns for healthy living, food and attitudes among students and teenagers by arranging counsellors and experts. Motivational programmes are conducted in the district. Competitions for youngsters on eco themes to contribute in his or her capacity to propagate and function imbibing the spirit of ecological motifs.
For more details, news, and updates, see
Designation : DirectorCSI Diocesan Office, Madhya Kerala Diocese, Cathedral Road, Kottayam, Kerala, India - 686 001.

Dr Mathew Koshy Punnackad
Malayil PG Bhavan, Punnackadu, 689652, Kozhencherry, Kerala Mobile