Outstations Associated

CSI St. Mary Magdalena Church, Thrikodithanam
- Year of the Formation : 1892
- Name of the Founder : Bishop Hodges
- Total Members of the Congregation : 93
- Total Families in the Congregation : 29
Mr. Dileep John (Reader) CSI St. Mary Magdalena Church, Thrikodithanam P. O., Changanacherry - 686 105.

CSI St. Thomas Church, Vettikadu
- Year of the Formation : 1920
- Total Members of the Congregation : 126
- Total Families in the Congregation : 38
- Total Land : 13 3/4 Cent
CSI St. Thomas Church, Vettikadu, Nalukodi P. O., Changanacherry - 686548.

Mr. Dileep John (Reader)
CSI St. Mary Magdalena Church Thrikodithanam P. O., Changanacherry - 686 105. Mob: 9447935368