Mission Fields Associated
Bhilai Industrial Mission

Bhilai Industrial Mission
The mission work of the CSI Industrial Mission is effectively continuing in Bhilai in the Chhattisgarh state by the grace of God. There are nine full-time missionaries who are rendering their service in 35 villages. Tailoring classes, computer classes and tuition centres are being operated along with evangelism work. Seven other staff are working on these social service projects. Medical camps are also being conducted at regular intervals. A school called 'Noah's Ark English Medium Mission School' has been started in the village called Hanoda, which is one of the most backward villages, especially in terms of education. In the reporting year, 80 children are studying from nursery to 4th standard and nine teachers and one helper are working in this educational institute. The school is functioning in a rented building now, and constant efforts are being taken to build our own building for the school.
Designation : Missionary-in-ChargeSt. Andrews CSI Church, 31/17 Paradise Complex, Borsi Bhatta, Durg, Chathisguth - 491001

Rev. Jobin Easow Cherian
St. Andrews CSI Church, 31/17 Paradise Complex, Borsi Bhatta, Durg, Chathisguth - 491001 Mob: 9526977500 / 8602164610 Email: [email protected]