Mission Fields Associated
Sannadha Suvishesha Sangham

Sannadha Suvishesha Sangham
The work of the 'Sannadha Suvishesha Sangham', the team of voluntary missionaries of the Madhya Kerala Diocese of the CSI, was resumed under the Mission Board in the year 2023. The 'Sannadha Suvishesha Sangham' is committed to spreading the good news to society. Activities such as house visits, public meetings, and prayers at various churches in the evening are being conducted by the 'Sannadha Suvishesha Sangham'.
Designation : ConvenerCSI Diocesan Office, Madhya Kerala Diocese, Cathedral Road, Kottayam, Kerala, India - 686 001.
Pastorates Associated
- Tholassery

CSI St. Thomas Church, Tholassery
- Year of the Formation : 1849
- Name of the Founder : Rev. John Hawksworth
- Year of Pastorate Formation : 1849
- Total Members of the Congregation : 1600
- Total Families in the Congregation : 450
- Total Land : 24 Acres
- Name of the Bishop from the Congregation: Rt. Rev. Thomas Samuel
- Name of the Presbyters from the Congregation: Late Rev. M. P. Mathen, Late Rev. A. O. Mathai, Late Rev. T. J. Andrews, Late Rev. W. Mathew, Late Rev. Thomas Cherian, Rev. P. C. Mathew, Rev. Joseph Mathew, Late Rev. Eapen John, Late Rev. P. C. Thomas, Late Rev. George Sathyanathan, Rev. T. O. Oommen, and Rev. Abraham. G. Sathyanathan.
- Name of the Catechists/Church Workers & Sisters from the Congregation: M/S, M. J. Cherian, M. C. Cherian, M. C. Kurien, M. C. Mathai, M. C. chacko, T. O. Oommen, T. O. Chandy, T. O. Varghese, T. O. Thomas Thottathil, T. K. Varghese Thottathil, Kurien. T. Kurien Thottathil, N. E. Varkey Thottathil, M. E. Ninan, M. E. Mathai, P. S. Samuel, K. V. Varghese, K. V. Joseph, V. Varkey, Sister Thankamma Sathyanadhan, and Sister Santhamma Joseph.
CSI St. Thomas Church, Tholassery, Thiruvalla - 689 101.
Location : click here
Website : https://linktr.ee/CSITholassery

Rev. C. Y. Thomas
CSI St. Thomas Church, Tholassery, Thiruvalla - 689 101. Mob: 9947131158 Email: [email protected]