Pastorates Associated
- Chamavila

CSI St. Stephen’s Church, Chamavila
- Year of the Formation : 1852
- Year of the PastorateFormation : 1975
- Total Members of the Congregation : 1350
- Total Families in the Congregation : 385
- Name of the Catechist, Church Workers from the Congregation: S. John, T. David, Mr. Moses Chacko
CSI St. Stephen’s Church, Chamavila, Mynagappally P. O., Kollam - 690 519.
Location : click here

Rev. Thomas George
CSI St. Stephen’s Church, Chamavila, Mynagappally P. O., Kollam - 690 519. Phone: 0476 2873726 Mob: 9446116868 Email: [email protected]