Finance Board
Finance Board
Duties of the Board
(a) Quarterly accounts presented to the Finance Board should be scrutinized by the Sub-Committee.
(b) Examine the accounts prepared by the Treasurer in respect of the General Funds and present them to the Executive Committee for approval with such amendments as may be suggested by the Board.
(c) The Executive Committee shall be informed of the levies imposed on Parishes and District Councils to the Diocesan fund.
(d) Allowing grants from surplus funds to meet urgent needs.
(e) to make and regulate rules for the proper keeping of accounts across the Diocese, and to prescribe books and forms necessary therefor.
(f) To constitute a 3-member Audit Committee for a periodical audit of the accounts of Diocesan Institutions and Parishes. Make arrangements to improve them.
(g) Perform such other financial duties as may be authorized by the Executive Committee.
(h) To fix the salaries, allowances and travel scales of the office staff of the Diocese, priests and church workers and the employees of other institutions connected with the Diocese.
(i) Implement the Diocesan Provident Fund for priests and church workers.
(j) The appointment and removal of treasurers of pastorates/outstations shall be vested in the Board.
(k) To decide on the amount to be allowed to be held by the treasurers of parishes/congregations.
(l) Checks shall be signed by at least one of the Secretaries (Clergy Secretary/Lay Secretary) along with the Treasurer on all bank accounts and cash transactions of the Diocese.
[email protected]CSI Diocesan Office, Cathedral Road, Kottayam - 686 001. Phone: 0481-2567274 (O) Mob: 9447114629/8089414629 Email: [email protected]
[email protected]CSI Ascension Church Thuruthy P. O., Changanacherry - 686 535. Phone: 04812321591 Mob: 9495240674 E-mail: [email protected]
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